Fandom Central (Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sci Fi)

Just in case you'd like ONE place to go and find all my posts related to my various fandoms. I'll be working on updating this page as I can. There's so much fangirl goodness!

Doctor Who Posts:

Favorites from each Series (so far just New Who):
One Two Three Four      Five      Six   Seven 

New to Who - a series of posts I wrote about the first few episodes from Series One as I got hooked on Doctor Who. 

Doctor Who DIY: 
How to Build a Dalek (costume)
Doctor Who Shadow Art Project
Making a TARDIS costume from a t-shirt!

Why Librarians and Book Lovers Love Doctor Who


Top Ten Quotes by Jared

Greatest Love Story

Science Fiction

I write posts reviewing science fiction books, generally under the tag Science Fiction or Sci Friday


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