Super Powers - Activate!
(I'm moving old posts over to my current blog host. This one originally posted July 30, 2011) A common conversation starter in certain circles (yes, the geeky circles) is “what would you choose as a mutant/super power?” I’ve gone through many possible choices over the course of my life. Sometimes I want to be able to heal like Wolverine. I’m not really much of a risk taker, though, so that would be wasted on me. Other times I think it would be cool to shoot freakin’ lasers out of my eyes like Cyclops. That would be especially handy when jerks cut me off on the highway. While it probably doesn’t count as a super power, I’d love to be as freakishly intelligent as Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark (and their financial well-being would just be icing on the cake!) Some popular powers have never been on my list. I’ve never wanted to be able to fly. I’ve always been slightly acrophobic, and it has continued to get worse as I get older. I would cover all of downtown Me...