Doctor Who Weeks Commences in three... two... one... NOW!

I've always been a SciFi Gal, but this year marked my descent into utter madness and obsession when I began watching Doctor Who for the first time.

Before I could say "Fantastic", I was hooked. I started blogging about Doctor Who. I started talking about Doctor Who (some may claim I never STOP talking about it). I started pinning Doctor Who, and tumblring.. You name it, I was doing it.

(Check out my Doctor Who board on Pinterest!)

I did have one small problem. Being completely hooked, and wanting to see ALL the things, I found myself fighting against...


Yes, I had a few little plot points spoiled. Yes, I was a little frustrated by a few things I found out before I should have. Did that keep me from trying to see ALL the things? Not even a little. It just motivated me to binge watch the seasons as quickly as possible.

The best part of social media is that you can find out exactly who else shares your obsessions. I've discovered a rather large tribe of teachers, librarians, and fellow geeks who are similarly Doctorfied. So when my friend Karen from Teen Librarian Toolbox suggested we host a Doctor Who Week on our joint blogs, I knew I was ready to jump in.

Officially, Doctor Who Week starts tomorrow. I wanted to get this post up to make sure you ALL know that...

We have guest posts from authors.
We have DIY directions for art and costumes.
We have guest posts from tweens and teens.
We have favorite lists galore! (quotes, companions, episodes)
We have giveaways....

Don't forget to watch the newest mini episode... and catch up on Paul McGann's Doctor. I loved the Geek Mom Blog's post "Everything You Didn't Know in Night of the Doctor

Then be sure to watch this one. Tennant is a gem, and 
I love this encounter between his Doctor and the Fifth incarnation.

 What more would you like to see?

Visit "Doctor Who Central" at Teen Librarian Toolbox for a list of all the TLT posts (from the past as well as this week's offerings).

Check the tag "Doctor Who" here on my blog for all the posts from this special week and the ones I've posted throughout the year.

This post is part of TWO marvelous blogging events! 
Sci-Fi Month is brought to you by Rinn Reads. Check out the full schedule of Sci-Fi Month posts! There are reviews, discussions, give aways, and more!

Doctor Who Week is a joint venture between my blog and Teen Librarian Toolbox. We have a full week of fun posts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.


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