Using Wordle for Revision

Thank to Teachers Write's Thursday prompt suggestion, ( check it out here ) I took my current story and plopped the text into Wordle. A few interesting things jumped out at me. 1) I use the word "one" a lot. I need to go back through the story and see if this is indicative of poor writing choices or a growing theme in the story. 2) "Just" jumps right out at me. That's something that will require some revision. This first image is the word cloud created by the main body of my story so far. I'm pleased with one part of it... check out the right side of the image... see it? "Just go Back". This chunk is not quite 2000 words, so it will be interesting to see how the cloud changes as I add to the tale. The second cloud is from the shorter piece of the story with the girls in the library. I've seen and used Wordle before - but never as a revision tool. I'll use this with my students as they write. It's amazing what a pic...