Dress Like the Doctor(s)
This post is part of TWO marvelous blogging events!

Deciding on the perfect Halloween costume is generally a “Big Deal” in my house. My boys often end up picking pre-made costumes, but it’s never an easy process. So when they decreed that this would be the “Year of The Doctor”, I have to admit to getting a wee bit excited. I may have even hollered...
I started my Doctor Who journey just this past January, and I was hooked from the very first episode. Not only would it be fun (and easy) to dress up as Nine, I see Christopher Eccleston as “my Doctor”. I already own the perfect leather jacket, too!

Nope. Younger is an even more dedicated Whovian than Older, and Tennant is HIS Doctor. He unequivocally decreed that HE would be dressing up as Ten for Halloween. His level of enthusiasm for his costuming choices would make any hard-core cosplayer proud.

That, of course, left me with Eleven. It took a while for me to warm up to his gawky, awkward self… but I learned to love him. How could I resist the challenge to make all his odd sartorial choices look “cool”?

A few trips to some local Goodwill stores, and a generous helping of patience, netted me a lovely tweed coat. Would I be satisfied with just this? Absolutely not! I purchased some elbow patches to make the jacket “just right”. A bow tie, a fez, and “braces” rounded out the look.

My sons and I geared up to visit our local Renaissance Faire for one of their Halloween weekends. We got a ton of smiles and grins. One group of ladies even shouted, “It’s the Doctors! Come over here and show us some love!”.

Was all this hard work worth it? You bet! We looked Fan-tastic!
Don't forget to visit my giveaways for the chance to win some fun Doctor Who gear!
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Don't forget to visit my giveaways for the chance to win some fun Doctor Who gear!
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