How to make the hard things easy
My post title may be just a bit misleading. I don't think there really is a way to transform hard things into "easy" things... not completely. What I'm beginning to discover, though, is that hard things can certainly get easiER. Don't hate me - but writing is one of those things that comes easily for me. Once I have an idea, I can sit on it for a while and then the words explode onto the page. The hard part, of course, is the idea! Last year when I wrote for the Slice of Life month, I had some difficult days. There were days when I just didn't know what to write about, and I had some lame posts so that I could get through the challenge. This year it was so much easier! What changed? Habit. Last year participating in the March challenge was one of my earliest experiences with consistent blogging. This year, I participated after spending an entire year sharing my thoughts on a fairly regular basis. I am in the HABIT of looking for ideas and WRITING THEM DO...