Slice - Looks Like (I) Made It!
It is so funny that the main Slice post includes The Beatles song "The End" today, since I've had a song stuck in my head for several days as I considered what to write today. I'm clearly not cool enough for it to be The Beatles, though. Yeah, so "Looks Like We Made It" doesn't exactly fit with what we're doing here. It doesn't even fit my life... at all. Still, the title works, right? So congrats to those of you who are here today. Whether you "made it" through all 31 days, or just managed to write as much as you possibly could, congratulations. For those of us who teach writing, it's so important to know just how kids feel when we hand them a pencil (or pen, or keyboard) and say, "Just Write". I certainly lived up to my blog name this month. "Melange" mé·lange noun \mā-ˈläⁿzh, -ˈlänj\ : a mixture of different things Full Definition of MÉLANGE : a mixture often of incongruous elements "Mél...