New Comics Reader Week 2
(Moving posts over from my old blog host. This one originally posted Sept 26, 2011) These comics are mostly from my “Week 2”, though a few were hold overs from Week 1 that I hadn’t finished yet. Sheesh, there are more on this list than I thought. This could be an expensive hobby if I don’t weed out my choices for month 2! Oh – and the Hooded Woman search – I love it. Just like everyone else, I’m dying to know who she is! Though I would be amused to no end to find out some rich woman paid a TON to be drawn into all the new 52! Demon Knights – This is a keeper! I’m a huge fan of Arthurian settings, and I love the characters in this story. It wasn’t originally on my radar, so I’m thankful for my Twitter crew pointing me in the right direction on this one. I appreciate the selection of women in the group. I don’t need to have an all female cast to enjoy a comic, but it is nice to have some in there! Batman – Another keeper! Yes, I love ...