
UntitledI am back from a cold weekend of Cub Scout Camping. I don't deal well with chilly weather, and I was the source of much humor to the other parents of the Pack as I huddled miserably around the campfire in my multiple layers of sweatshirts, jackets, and a full length parka.

Yet I am thankful for so much:

My son had a wonderful time running around outside with his friends.

Everyone was healthy and safe during the trip - even while we were teaching third graders how to use pocketknives as they earned their "whittling chip".

The pack leaders forgot to bring the big coffee pot ... but my loving husband brought me a yummy Starbucks treat one morning (he was coming to the campsite to run the BB range) and another father had packed a french press and was gracious enough to share with all the caffeine starved parents.

I had access to a heated cabin, and stayed there instead of in a tent this time.

My hot shower today made me even more thankful for all the modern conveniences I generally take for granted.

I have a large, wonderful washing machine to get the mud stains and smoke smell out of our clothing.

I'm participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge, hosted by the amazing educators at Two Writing Teachers. Stop by to see what others are posting!

Also - if you stop by and comment, and you are also slicing - PLEASE feel free to include your URL in the comments. With over 200 people slicing, it is often hard to go find your specific link on the Two Writing Teachers page, and I'd love to come read YOUR slice too!


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