Cub Scout Camping

I don't know whether I'll be able to finish and post this one Saturday while camping, but I'm getting it set up so I can try....

It's the first trip my younger son has had without his older brother. He's taking it seriously, making sure he fulfills what he sees as his responsibilities here.

It's bittersweet to watch the pull and tug as he takes each little step toward greater independence. He's always been my "mama's boy".

"Can I order for myself, mom?" - as we stop for food on the way to the campgrounds. Confidently, he explains to the cashier that he'd like just meat, cheese, ketchup and mustard on his burger, please.

"I'll have to show the boys the best places to find wood for the fire myself now, since he isn't here." Then he takes off toward the camping area without a backward glance. I'm grateful that this is a campground he knows well, so he can explore confidently without me having an anxiety attack.

Even so - he's still my little boy. Stay near me in the cabin? "Yes, please."

(Very little signal here, may try to add more later today)

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