Captchas - a Commenter's Bane

Thankful, once again, for having the foresight to create this post with just a title when the inspiration struck. Today? No ideas. I'm a blank page waiting to be filled. A tired blank page with no ideas. A tired blank page that had to help a son complete frustrating homework last night and a blank page currently supervising him as he completes his final copy this morning. My muse has deserted me (perhaps she is sleeping in).... and yet... the breadcrumbs I left behind when inspiration visited will get me through the day.

Captchas - A Commenter's Bane

Oh captcha, my captcha
how I detest thee.

I squint
and strain.
Turn my
head from one side
      to another.
Hope a new perspective
will bring clarity.

Failure - I
am forbidden to
share my glittering
gem of
wisdom on your

I persist -
make yet
another attempt.

Keyboard clicking
as I peck,
hope this time
I have it right.

I permit myself
a single moment
of joyful celebration.

On to the next blog
to continue the battle.

I'm participating in the March Slice of Life Challenge, hosted by the amazing educators at Two Writing Teachers. Stop by to see what others are posting!

Also - if you stop by and comment, and you are also slicing - PLEASE feel free to include your URL in the comments. With over 200 people slicing, it is often hard to go find your specific link on the Two Writing Teachers page, and I'd love to come read YOUR slice too!


  1. This those capchas are a pain sometimes!

    I was drawing a blank tonight too...


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