Slice - Almost Didn't

I almost didn't write today.
There's really no excuse.

Fodder for writing?
My cup runneth over.

Presentation today - fabulous
(and yes I'll write about it soon)

Dinosaur Day -
Cubs loved it.
(I promise to share that, too)

Inspiring novels?

Quiet house?

So what is the dam in my stream?

Sometimes I feel like I only get
a certain
of words in a day.
Or a week.

Today, the well ran dry.

I’m participating in a writing community at Two Writing Teachers. We write about a little "slice of our life" each Tuesday. In March - we attempt to write a slice EVERY day! Head over to their blog for the link up.

If you stop by and have written your own slice, please leave the link in the comments so I can easily find your post!


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