Favorite Young Adult Novels of 2014

Just one more post on my favorites from last year - and then I promise I'll jump right into all of this year's reading.

Science Fiction / Urban Fantasy

The first two books in this series made it onto my "not published in 2014" list. I'm so thankful I got an ARC of this book, and that looking at that book got me moving on reading the series. I love the science fiction spin on the fairy tales and I LOVE the characters. I can't wait for Fairest and Winter to come out this year!

I just adore Lish McBride. I love her snarky dialogue and I love her characters.

Review and interview: http://www.mariaselke.com/2014/09/firebug-blog-tour-q-and-giveaway.html

If you want a little taste of her writing style, check out this short story. It has the main characters from Firebug. It doesn't spoil anything from the book and it doesn't expect you to know the plot already....

Realistic Fiction:
Wow - who would've thought I would have more realistic than fantasy/scifi on my list this year?

I connected so strongly with Cath. I was never a fan fic writer, but the struggles she faces in her freshman year of college hooked me from the start.

We Were Liars

I can't even put details here. Just like many of my friends have said - don't read reviews, just read the book. 

I will say that I felt the writing was amazing. Lovely, intense, and the story unfolded beautifully. That's it- more and I'd damage your experience reading the book. 

What are you waiting for? Go be a Liar.

Summer of Letting Go

Beautiful and sad. A lovely look at family, loss, and friendship. I loved all the little details, and the glimpse at the idea of reincarnation. One of my fifth graders was so enamored with this book last spring that he insisted on emailing Gae. That's power.

Don't miss my other 2014 posts out so far!

Interested in my favorites I read in 2014 that were published in other years?


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