It's Monday December 24th

Merry Almost Christmas to those who celebrate such things...

Thanks again to the Mentor Texts team, Jen and Kellee, for hosting this each week. Check out their blog for other posts, and the #IMWAYR tag on Twitter.

I'm going to keep it short so I can also work on my slice for the week....

Graphic Novels - (Follow my board on Pinterest, where I add graphic novels I like) 
I'm always a fan of Lunch Lady and Squish.

Cardboard may have gotten a higher rating on a different day (one of the many reasons I'm not always thrilled with the 5 star system). The "bad guy" character just completely freaked me out. I think it's more Sandy Hook fallout. It was a very creative story, and had a lovely ending. Definitely give it a shot.

Picture Books: 

What an awesome picture book selection! I've decided I need to keep up with picture books during the year better.
Oh, No! - loved the art AND the fun text. I bought a copy for my nephew (shhhh)
Green - gorgeous. I could see using it in upper grade classroom as a writing starter too.
Kel Gilligan - giggle fest. If you need a pick-me-up, this one is perfect.
Goddesses - I read this one for my final book in my 40 book challenge with my students. Lovely illustrations and interesting information about goddesses from all over the world.

Non Fiction:
Bomb - fabulous. I loved the narrative style. My only complaint is that I wish there had been pictures in the text instead of just at the start of the chapters. In lovely serendipity, I reviewed a graphic novel biography of Feynman for this past week's Sci Friday.

Almost Astronauts - One of my favorites for the year. This one will be featured on Sci Friday (hopefully this week), so stop back for more.

Bill the Boy Wonder - a simple account, but filled with a ton of information. It packs a punch for style, too. Learn about the secret co-creator of Batman!

Newbery / Nerdbery   (My 56th!)

"Crying Books"

I was leery of starting this book, but everyone raves about it. You see, I'm not a huge crying book reader. Yet the buzz had reached a point that I knew I needed to check it out. I started it last week - on Saturday. Yes, right after Sandy Hook.

I had to put it aside for a few days, once I hit the middle of the story. If you've read it, you'll know why. When I came back, though, it was totally worth it. The story ends with love and hope. That was something I really needed to read.

Nerdy Book Club had a post on Sunday about The Book Gap Challenge. Did you check it out? I decided to toss in my cap and declare my Book Gap. Have a "look-see" and give me some pointers?

Have a lovely holiday with your family and friends!


  1. I've heard conflicting reviews of Bomb, so will have to read it myself.


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