It's Monday January 20th

It's been a busy week... lots of reading to get ready for my Cybils Judging responsibilities. I'm also steadily plugging away at my #MustReadin2014 list.

Don't forget to visit Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers to find other posts about wonderful reads.

I added a few books to that list, since I decided having three per month is a reasonable number. So my MustRead is now at 36. I've updated my MustRead post to show the additions.

MUST READ in 2014

Since the challenge is similar, I'm also throwing my hat in the ring for the Check Off Your Reading List Challenge, hosted by Gathering Books. I'll be going for level 3 - which is 25 or more books.

Since my last update, I've finished FOUR more books on my Must Read in 2014 / CORL list.

Listening to Neil read his own books is worth almost any price. I adored this story, too. Childhood memories aren't always what we think... magical realism at its best. Marketed for adults, but there was very little that would be a concern for even young teens.

I'm on the blog tour for this fast paced, action packed middle grade sci fi. Loved it.

(My thoughts about the Cybils books have been removed. Sorry - I thought we were supposed to post reviews but I was asked to take my thoughts off)

Want to know HOW the apocalypse hits?
Big thanks to Mac Kids Books for sending this my way. So many novels focus on what happens years down the road... The Rule of Three ties into the actual events AS the world changes. I found it action packed, though the dialogue didn't feel completely realistic. I'd also loved to have seen more female characters.

If you stop by, and have written your own weekly update, please leave me the link in your comments!


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