Doctor Who Week Giveaway - International

This post is part of TWO marvelous blogging events! 
Sci-Fi Month is brought to you by Rinn Reads. Check out the full schedule of Sci-Fi Month posts! There are reviews, discussions, give aways, and more!

Doctor Who Week is a joint venture between my blog and Teen Librarian Toolbox. We have a full week of fun posts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. 

When Karen suggested we host giveaways for our Doctor Who Week extravaganza, I thought for a while about what I wanted to do.

I wanted it to be fun. I wanted it to be unique. Most of all, though, I wanted it to celebrate some independent businesses run by amazing Geeky Ladies. I am running TWO giveaways. One is available only for US, because I am shipping it.

THIS one? This is open internationally. I have already paid LCG Creations for the bag and for her to ship it to you - no matter where you live!
Visit her shop directly! 

You get the choice of ONE of these bags. Both are adorable, Doctor Who bags. I personally own one of these Isla Clutch style bags. I use it to keep inside my bigger purse to keep my electronics safe. It also makes a handy way to move things between purses.  If you win, I will give your contact information to LCG Creations, and you'll let her know which one you choose.

(Edited - Louise has a THIRD bag as an option for you! Look at the bottom of these photos for your third choice. I love this one a lot!)

Both bags, side by side

Can't pick a favorite Doctor? No need to pick and
choose with this bag!

A decidedly Smith-like flair.

I love this one! Maybe I can enter, too?? :)

All three of your choices, together.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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