It's Monday - October 7th
Hello again!

I skipped last week because I was part of the Blog Tour for one of my favorite books this year - The Real Boy by Anne Ursu. There's still time to visit that post and toss your name in the hat to win your own signed copy.
I'm back this week with a nice slew of books to share.
Don't forget to visit Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers for posts by other readers to help build your own reading list.
Some favorites:
Fortunately, the Milk - by Neil Gaiman
Is it time travel? Is it a crazy tall tale? It doesn't really matter... it's just a ton of fun. I was 11th on the hold list for my library's copy of this one. I'll definitely be recommending purchasing it for my building.
I was reading this at nights with my younger son. He's so excited that we finished just in time to jump into House of Hades this week! We pre-ordered it, so hopefully we get it right when it comes out.
Another amazing installment of the Cloak Society series! I had to make sure I finished it this weekend, because I have two girls glaring at me every day. It will be fun to see them fist fight over who gets it first on Monday. (Okay, not really... I'll find a nonviolent solution.)

I picked up a stack of Jane Yolen books at the library, too. I've read three of them so far.
They Day Tiger Rose Said Goodbye was such a tear jerker - about a cat who was old and going around saying goodbye to everything.
My Uncle Emily will be a great one to use with my Emily Dickinson mini unit in 5th grade.
Child of Faerie, Child of Earth has beautiful illustrations and I love the poetry.
If you'd like to see a sweet little baby - Check out my "Unexpected Journey" post from last week.
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