It's Monday - August 5th

Time, once again, to share my reading week with the world! Don't forget to visit Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers for more great posts. 

I'd classify this week as a "moderate" summer reading week. I spent a lot of time being silly with my sons, getting my older son ready for his first solo week at camp (Boy Scout camp), and finishing up some professional development coursework.

The silly - #Chompsticks is in full swing (August 1-7). I've gone all out, flying my geeky flag as I add my own flair to the meme. My sons and I celebrated Harry Potter's birthday, Star Wars, comics, superheros, and Doctor Who. Some of those days involved trips to the grocery store to buy special treats.  You still have time to play along. It's easy-peasy fun!

Older is at camp now, and I'm trying to be calm. I know he'll have a great time, but it feels weird to not have him home with me!

Professional Development was a mix of an online course about finding and using primary sources in elementary and a face to face class led by my building librarian about Digital Citizenship and using online tools to help students create. I made some great Symbaloo webmixes along the way!

Graphic Novels:
(My shelf on Goodreads)
Young Adult:

I thought it was pretty cool to finish up Shakespeare's Star Wars and then wake up to a Nerdy Book Club post by the author!

The other two were fun, but not fabulous.

The Madman's Daughter had some serious potential - and I can see the audience for it. I already know the gist of the Moreau story, but I think for people who are new to the tale the shock of it all would be amazing. It was creepy, and a bit gory in places, but well done. I just think I've had my fill of the "girl trying to decide between two boys" bit for right now. Still, there were some surprises along the way that I enjoyed.

Watersmeet had some interesting twists and turns as well. There were centaurs and dwarves and battles against the dark. It was a solid start to a series (and I think it was her debut novel), but there were times when it couldn't hold my attention. My goddaughter told me to read it (she's 12), and I believe that it will appeal strongly to the middle school fantasy reading set. Best part about this book? The main character doesn't have a single romantic attachment - she finds her father and makes new friends.

Also - Kathy (the Brain Lair) and I finally got our act together and posted our next book chat about Summer of the Mariposas! One chunk left to go.

This week I plan to:

Finish The Grey King for Nerdbery.
Write a post about how Doctor Who fannishness helps build connections between my sons and I.
Write another Ireland post for my Slice
Read The Dream Thieves (yay!)
Take another PD class about technology.
Paint my bookshelves

If you stop by, and also do "It's Monday" - feel free to leave your link in the comments so I can be sure to swing by your blog!


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