It's Monday November 5th

Jen and Kellee over at Teach Mentor Texts host this each week. Head on over to read about other booklists!

With Hurricane Sandy passing through, I had extra time to read. It seems, however, that I squandered much of that time in writing about my reading. Yeah - and I still didn't get all the reviews done that I needed to do. I'm so far behind on my comic reading and reviewing! If you loved Buffy The Vampire Slayer, be sure to check out my post over at Teen Librarian Toolbox. I have a giveaway for the first two Spike comics that recently arrived (and I'm not sure when that giveaway will end).

I also spent some time reading a friend's story. Michelle is a fabulous Twitter buddy who lives in Australia. She's a writer hoping to get published in the near future, and I adore reading her stories! This is the one I read this week - Emotional State (She just posted the last two chapters, and I need to finish reading them).

I read Angel and Faith #13 and #14 (and finally got my review written for 13). If you check out my TLT post above, you'll find that Angel and Faith is my favorite of the Buffy series so far. I need to catch up with the latest Batgirl that came out this week, though. My TBR list on my ComiXology app is getting almost as bad as my Goodreads.

Sense a theme? I thought Goodnight Goon was very clever, and Zombie in Love was adorable! Very Hungry Zombie wasn't nearly as good.

While I'm talking about picture books - stop by this week's Sci Friday! I discuss 5 picture books and give my opinions on which ones best exemplify the science fiction genre traits.

Here are my other reads from the week:
I was highly entertained by Geek Wisdom. Splendors and Glooms had its ups and downs, but I wasn't enthralled. I read a second of the graphic novels that tied science experiments into summer camp. Neil Gaiman read his short story - and it was just the right level of creepy. Campfire creepy.

Currently Reading:

Still working my way through Neverwhere (audio) by Neil Gaiman. Absolutely awesome. Gaiman is a god.
Started Amos Fortune for Nerdbery (halfway done - blech)
Hoping to read Invincible Microbe this week.

Current Batty About Books - Insignia 
     Check out my week 2 post with Kathy (aka the Brain Lair)


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