Blank Page - The Intimidation Factor

(This is the final post I needed to move over here, and the very first post I wrote. So it's official - Blog Date 0 is July 20, 2011)

Wow - a blank screen isn't any easier to handle than a blank piece of paper. 
So I guess this is where it begins. As the title of my blog states, my posts are likely to be fairly eclectic in nature - because I am. I'm the mother of two wonderful but exasperating sons. I'm a wife who adores being married to her best friend. I'm a teacher of gifted learners. I'm a "wannabe" writer, who rediscovers her love for words periodically. I'm someone who hasn't really decided yet what she wants to be when she grows up. (Anyone want to give me some advice?) 
Right now, I'm loving being home with my children but also remembering why I'm not a full time stay at home mom. My posting over the summer is likely to be filled with reflections on parenting and preparation for my work year. Honestly, though, I'm still not quite sure what this will become. 
I have several friends who have helped prod me toward doing more writing. One convinced me to write a weekly post for his site showcasing my love of Star Wars. Another has recently started her own blog, inspiring me while making me wonder if what I have to say can be said as eloquently. Then there is my husband, who devoted his "tech support" to getting me set up. 
Well, it appears to be time for me to run. A mother's job is never done, you know.


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