Must Read in 2018 Update

Well - I've had years where I hit way more of my reading goals...

When Carrie reminded me that it's time to post about our Must Read lists, it took me a while to remember where I even put my list! I had blogged them in past years, but I guess this year I only made a Goodreads shelf. Aaaaand I haven't updated with any other Must Read in 2018 blog posts this year....

The good news is I found my list. The other good news is I actually DID read some of the books. The best news is I now still have time to try to read a few more, right?

Books I haven't read yet. Sadly, I couldn't find many of them on Audible - which is one way I get in a lot of my reading. Mark of the Thief was available, so that will be my next listen.

Shadow Scale is also available on Audible - but it's REALLY long. I still think I'll listen to that after Mark of the Thief.

I HAVE read Furyborn, and I loved it! Thankfully, this challenge had me look at my list again so I remembered to log having read it.

Books I have finished. 

AMAZING!! I mean, I love alternate history - and this one has ZOMBIES! Yeah.... read it.

An excellent anthology.

I listened to this one, and it was fabulous.

Another listen -- also amazing. Sad, and eye opening.

Sadly, this wasn't my favorite Meyer book (my favorites are still the Lunar Chronicles). Still, definitely a good story.

I absolutely loved this story. I love real world mixed with fairies, and this is a sweet and engaging story. I was even on the blog tour for this one!


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