It's Monday - May the Fourth Be With You - What are you reading?

Happy Star Wars Day!

Welcome to my little corner of book heaven. Here's what I read the last two weeks. Don't forget to visit the lovely hosts of this meme - Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers. There are links to a LOT of posts there!

The Epic Yarn idea is a cute one. They are board books, and each one represents the entire movie with a series of 12 images and a single word per page. 

I'm feeling a little touchy about the representation of the ladies in my science fiction this week, so I thought that that particular aspect could have used some improvement. (More details later)

On the whole, though, the word choices and scene choices are fabulous.  

Darth Vader and Friends is another adorable offering from Jeffrey Brown. He wins extra bonus points with me for including Boushh. This is for kids (and adults, let's be honest) who already love Star Wars. The "in jokes" would go way over the heads of people brand new to the franchise.

Check out the Guardian site - the Epic Yarns has a photo series about how they were created.

and Jeffrey Brown shows how to draw Darth Vader...

This upper elementary/ lower YA novel comes out this week. It's already circulating in my room with 5th graders and the kids made their own wait list. My 13 year old son also LOVED it. 

Out in June - full review later. This is a fabulous NFPB

Another adorable outing with Carl! It comes out in August. 


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