The Snow Day Selection - SOL Day 6

UntitledI didn't really want a snow day. Snow days make it hard to keep moving forward with my students. We're almost ready for a chapter test in math. We're wrapping up novels in one group and halfway through a novel with another. There are plays to rehearse and paintings to complete.

Still - what we want isn't always what we get, right?

Monday we had a day off due to ice and I COMPLETELY frittered it away. I lazed about. I tweeted randomly. I moved from cozy bed to comfy couch and back again.

Yesterday's snow day came with a personal resolution. I would use my time wisely.

What did I accomplish?

* Wrote my weekly Star Wars Thursday post. This week I wrote about lessons we can learn from Star Wars Rebels.

* Worked on joint presentation virtually (via Google Drive) with a colleague for 2 hours. Drive is such an amazing tool. I love being able to work on the slides at the same time and using the chat feature to discuss the things we wanted to include.

* Worked on a solo presentation I need to give in March for an hour. I'm thankful for all the photos I took during the NAGC conference that I can use in my slideshow.

* Read (of course, I can't leave that off the list. I completed SOULLESS and got partway through THE WHISPERING SKULL.

* Used the elliptical for almost an hour. Some of that was reading time and some of it was spent watching an episode of The Clone Wars.

* Assorted laundry, dishes, and snow removal.

Whew! I feel pretty accomplished and ready to take on another snow day today.

Come join the writing community at Two Writing Teachers. March is the official DAILY Slice of Life challenge. Someone is there Slicing (writing personal memoirs and reflections) every Tuesday. Let's Write! 


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