The Pocket Perplexity -- SOL Day 23
"What has it got in its pocketses?"
If you are a woman in the typical clothing found in department stores these days, the answer to that is pretty simple: Almost nothing.
I sometimes drift into the men's clothing aisle, especially for shorts. Not only are shorts made for men actually long enough to cover more than just my crotch, but they also come equipped with gloriously roomy pockets. Some of my men's cargo shorts even have enough room to hold a wallet AND a phone!

Do they think that we enjoy lugging huge bags around to fit our phones?
At least these pants HAVE pockets! I have numerous outfits with zero little nooks for tucking in my stuff. None of my skirts have pockets. None of my dresses have pockets. A few of my cardigans have pockets - but most don't.
It's a conspiracy, I tell you! Guys want to know why we always need a purse? This... this is why.
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