The Arrow Enlightenment SOL Day 3

UntitledThe Arrow of Light

It's the highest award a Cub Scout can earn, and it was my honor to work on (along with my co-leader) putting together these arrows for the boys who have been in my den in elementary school.

A completed arrow traces the journey the scouts have taken over the course of their early years in school.

Black for the first step along the journey - the Bobcat badge. The boys learn the Cub Scout pledge and motto. They promise to always do their best. They promise to follow the wisdom of their "akela" as they continue along the path.

Orange is for the Tiger year. Orange is often associated with chaos - and I can vouch for the fact that managing a den of tigers often felt like trying to capture lightning in a jar.

Red and Aqua represent the Wolf and Bear years. Over the course of second and third grade, we expect to see the boys begin to make more of their own choices about their learning. They also get the chance to learn how to use a pocketknife during third grade. I'm pretty sure at least 10 of my gray hairs came from that little rite of passage.

The Weblos years are fourth and fifth grade. Now the boys get a lot of choices! My younger son was dead set on earning all twenty activity pins that were available, so that he could earn the Super Achiever award. There's nothing like trying to keep up with an older brother to maintain high levels of motivation! There are stripes on the arrow for the Weblos rank as well as other stripes that show how many activities each boy completed.

One final colored band - the large yellow stripe - represents the Arrow of Light. For this award, the boys have to complete certain required pins (like Outdoorsman) and visit Boy Scout Troops. Working on this award helps each boy be ready to make a decision on crossing over into a Troop of his choosing.

In less than a week, my sweet little boy will take a short walk across a bridge into the camaraderie of the Troop he has selected. One small walk for a boy... one giant leap closer to the amazing young man he will be.

Come join the writing community at Two Writing Teachers. March is the official DAILY Slice of Life challenge. Someone is there Slicing (writing personal memoirs and reflections) every Tuesday. Let's Write! 


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