That Dog - SOL Day 14


There's one dog in the neighborhood that drives my dogs insane. I honestly have almost no idea why.

"That Dog" is a beautiful, well-trained, calm Australian Shepherd.

"That Dog" never wanders the neighborhood on her own. She is always under the calm control of a sweet adult (sometimes mom; sometimes dad).

"That Dog" hasn't interacted with my dogs in years! My dogs have the freedom of a large backyard, and get all their running and exercise there.

None of that matters. When "That Dog" is walking the street in front of our house, there is nothing we can do to quiet our barkers. The only other time they bark like that is when a stranger is physically walking to our front door.

What is going through the minds of my nutty little canines? Is "That Dog" really a Cyberdog in disguise? Someday I will discover why they hate "That Dog" so much. For now, I just shake my head and wait for the barkpocalypse to pass. 

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