Stylin' -- SOL Day 25

I'm not exactly a fashion maven. I'm the kind of shopper who gives up quickly, and my color matching ability leaves just a bit to be desired. There's a reason my pants are all variations on plain tan or basic black. I'm pretty sure I can match anything with one of those. Do you know if anyone makes Garanimals for Grownups?

UntitledMy "style" runs to geek casual, if I am left to my own devices. I own four pairs of Converse. My lovely Batgirl. Plain white in homage to the 10th Doctor. Red hightops (umm... 10th Doctor AND the librarian in The Archived). Grey pinstriped because... umm... they reminded me of one of the 10th Doctor's suits. I may have a small problem here.


Yes, I also own multiple pairs of superhero socks to pair with my sneakers or hide under my nicer shoes to give me a secret smile. I have trouble resisting a great new tee-shirt, especially if it features a science fiction character or butt-kicking lady I love. I may have recently purchased both the shirt on the left due to my excitement over the Lady Ghostbusters movie news AND a shirt that is still in the mail that features Agent Carter in her amazing red hat.

My sister takes me shopping whenever I see her. She convinced me to buy a pair of cute brown boots to wear over my skinny jeans. Who knew that jeans were supposed to be tucked INTO boots? I know I had no idea!

UntitledSo if you ever see me sporting a look that isn't all that stylish, just smile and nod. Maybe flash me the Vulcan greeting or tell me that you hope the "Force will be with me".

If I'm staring a bit too intently at something you're wearing, it's because I'm working hard at figuring out some esoteric bit of fashion sense that you were born knowing. How do those infinite scarves work, exactly? Can you wear brown boots with black tights? Where the heck does the blush go?

When you spot me wearing an outfit that is something YOU would consider wearing, rest assured that I probably didn't pick it out myself. Spare a thought for my patient sister or loving husband, who take the time to lovingly guide me in the ways of adult lady gear.

Hey, look! I figured out that scarf thing!

Come join the writing community at Two Writing Teachers. March is the official DAILY Slice of Life challenge. Someone is there Slicing (writing personal memoirs and reflections) every Tuesday. Let's Write! 


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