It's Monday June 30th


Yeah.... it's been a while. Totally my bad. I got in a slump (though I have been reading) and I haven't been posting to my blog hardly at all. 

Since my last It's Monday post was over a month ago, I am certainly NOT going to try to cover everything I have read in the past six weeks. I love you all too much to do that to you. I'll just snag a few of my favorites and call it a week.

This non fiction picture book biography is delightful. It comes out in October, so I will do a full review closer to publication. Put it on your list... you want it.

I'm guessing this is already on the radar (or already read) for most of you... but definitely make sure you get the grand finale of the Silver Jaguar series. Perfect for younger middle grade readers. They will eat it up!

Pardon the mess....
An amazing selection of nonfiction picture books. My favorites in this pile were The Noisy Paint Box, Handle with Care, Feathers are Not Just for Flying, and How to Make a Planet (which was a spectacular example of voice in nonfiction). If your students read A Mango Shaped Space, definitely grab Noisy Paint Box as another example of someone with synesthesia. 

I identified with the main character in this story SO strongly. I listened to Fangirl, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Perfect for the writers and fangirls (and fanboys) in your life. 

Looking for some truly creepy stories? This anthology of short stories really fits the bill. Honestly, some did creep me out, so they aren't for your faint-of-heart middle graders. But those kids who love a little chill up their spine? Yeah, hand this right over. Some real favorites here, including an adaptation of the Twelve Dancing Princesses that was hugely feminist and one called Quicksilver and the Stranger (by Legrand) that was an excellent example of a circular structure. 

Be sure to visit Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers to get more great reading ideas!

I was the first stop on the Minion Blog Tour - and there is a giveaway still running. Be sure to enter to get your own copy!


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