Slice - Tossing in the Towel
I woke up on Tuesday with a nasty head cold. Headache, tired, cranky... the whole deal. Of course, it's not so easy to call out sick as a teacher. (Yes, I know other professions have this problem, too.)
So I packed myself up and went to work.
Short tempered and groggy.
Halfway through the day I realized that I wasn't really an effective teacher. I kept stumbling over my words and making silly errors as I helped the students learn math concepts. Lunch time rolled around and I took a long, hard look at Wednesday's schedule. Could they manage without me?
(Confession - I'm just a teeny bit of a control freak about my classroom and I really hate having someone else teach the things *I* need them to know!)
Reluctantly, I decided that they would be better off with a healthy sub in place of a sick and cranky me, so I started the substitute plan writing process. Quickly, I began typing up my notes, making copies, and preparing the piles for tomorrow before the next group arrived.
It was worth it. I spent Wednesday curled up on the couch or in my bed, resting. I watched several episodes of The Clone Wars. I drank hot tea. While I'm not looking forward to heading in this morning to the piles a substitute always leaves behind for me to review, taking care of myself yesterday was the right choice. Here's to a day with a clear head and an only slightly sore throat!
I’m participating in a writing community at Two Writing Teachers. We write about a little "slice of our life" each Tuesday. In March - we attempt to write a slice EVERY day! Head over to their blog for the link up.
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