Slice - Plenty of Time?


Admit it - we've all been there. Our 'to do' lists are so long that it's inevitable that something will fall to the bottom of the list and get missed.


and again...

and again...

Until a small panic attack wakes you at 3 AM and refuses to let go. Do I still have time to get it done? To get it done WELL?

Ummm... this never happens to me. Never. Except that one time... last night.

I'm in charge of planning the Dinosaur Day event for my Pack. I need to have about an hour worth of fun, at least slightly educational, and definitely active activities for almost 100 boys. I kept thinking I had plenty of time to try out some crafty things, to be sure they worked. I even went out yesterday and bought a 40 pound bag of top soil and a 5 pound bag of sand so I could make dinosaur "fossil" eggs.

Tick, tock... time's running out.

So this morning I placed an online order for some dinosaur supplies and tried to figure out slightly easier ways to do the things I originally planned. The Pack meeting isn't THIS week, at least, so my procrastination isn't terminal. The dinosaur eggs aren't going to make the cut. It'll take too long to try them AND prepare almost 100 of them. Ah, well...

I'll let you know how it all turns out.

I’m participating in a writing community at Two Writing Teachers. We write about a little "slice of our life" each Tuesday. In March - we attempt to write a slice EVERY day! Head over to their blog for the link up.

If you stop by and have written your own slice, please leave the link in the comments so I can easily find your post!


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