Slice of Green

It's a blustery, snowy morning here in Pennsylvania. It's St. Patrick's Day.

Sing with me now... "I'm dreaming of a white St. Patrick's Day.... just like the ones I ... "

Nah. What I'm really dreaming of today, on a day when the entire nation thinks about the Luck o' the Irish, is my trip to Ireland. I wrote about some of the things I did last summer right after I returned.

Cliffs of Moher
My first day, when I felt like I had traveled back in time during my visit to Newgrange..

The blustery day when I stepped into my first Irish Castle - Trim.

A day of "unexpected deviations" - some difficulties and some delights.

Disappointment at the Book of Kells, but delight when I walked into the next room...

Of course, as hectic summer caught me in her talons, I never did go back and write about any of the other experiences. I'm using today's Slice as a promise to myself.

A promise that I will dig back into those photos and remember my voyage - my trip of a lifetime.

A promise that I will take some of the remaining Slice days this month to share those memories in words and photos.

The weather outside is frightful, but memories are so delightful. Let's write!


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