Slice - Counterpoint


So, yesterday I lamented my tendency to procrastinate. I'd like to devote today to a "counterpoint".

My friend and I decided at Halloween last year that we want to create a haunted house at her house for Halloween 2014. Yes, we decided a year ahead.

A few weeks ago, we started meeting up on Sundays to gather our ideas and craft the items for our Haunted Extravaganza. Our schedules are crazy, and this is the perfect excuse to get together a few times a month and devote time to chatting and working on something fun.

UntitledOn our first outing, we used modge podge to color glass jars to create a gallery of freaky items for one room.

UntitledYesterday, we sculpted apples to make into shrunken heads and used glue and glue guns to begin the process of making creepy books and containers for bizarre ingredients. I am NOT artistic, but I'm pretty happy with how my apple head is turning out (it's on the right).

Raven's wing and Snake Oil

These beauties will get painted with black, then a variety of lighter colors to end up (hopefully) looking truly mysterious!

Since Halloween is still over 7 months away, I can honestly declare that I don't ALWAYS procrastinate!

Want to check out some of the other ideas we hope to create? Check my Pinterest board...

I’m participating in a writing community at Two Writing Teachers. We write about a little "slice of our life" each Tuesday. In March - we attempt to write a slice EVERY day! Head over to their blog for the link up.

If you stop by and have written your own slice, please leave the link in the comments so I can easily find your post!


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