Celebrating a Milestone

It's a Bloggy Celebration!

Join me as I do a little happy dance to celebrate my 500th post!

Maria's Melange is my hodge-podge;
     a celebration of an eclectic mind.

Where science fiction and fantasy reviews
     coexist with fancy nails and mommy news

It's opened doors,
         opened minds,
              opened hearts.

My portal to a world of readers and writers;
     fangirls and friends.

Five hundred is a number to celebrate,
     but it's only the beginning.

Thank you to everyone who stops by, reads, and comments. I never imagined when I started my blog that I would get to know some of you so well. I love the Nerdy Book Club community, the Two Writing Teachers Slicers, my pal Karen at Teen Librarian Toolbox, my fellow Doctor Who fanatics, and my Batty About Books partner. To all of you who make a point of reading or sharing, I give my heartfelt gratitude.

I participate (most weeks) in a writing community at Two Writing Teachers. We write about a little "slice of our life" each Tuesday. Head over to their blog for the link up.

If you stop by and have written your own slice, please leave the link in the comments so I can easily find your post!


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