Guest Post - Doctor Who Week Top Ten Quotes

This post is part of TWO marvelous blogging events! 
Sci-Fi Month is brought to you by Rinn Reads. Check out the full schedule of Sci-Fi Month posts! There are reviews, discussions, give aways, and more!

Doctor Who Week is a joint venture between my blog and Teen Librarian Toolbox. We have a full week of fun posts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. 

Today I bring you a guest post from one of my all time favorite people - my nine year old son!

He's just the tiniest bit obsessed with Doctor Who at the moment. He asks to watch episodes during almost all of his free time. He dressed as Tennant for Halloween. Ten is "his Doctor".

Favorite 10 DW quotes
Publicity image from BBC
Note not in favorite order
  1. Everyone thinks they can run with the Doctor forever, eventually everyone can't keep up. -River Song
  2. You Think You're A Doctor, Well Stitch This Mate! -Jackie Tyler
  3. Thats the second time a mother hit me. -The Doctor
  4. Well a leg is a leg and a axe is an axe, Do It! -Donna Noble
  5. You are not Alone. -The Face of Boe
  6. You know what my friends sometimes call me? The Face of Boe. -Captain Jack Harkness
  7. I only take the strong never the weak. -The Doctor
  8. Don’t you hear it doctor, the never ending drumming getting closer and closer? - The Master
  9. You know time goes just like this *Snap*. -Adam's mom
  10. You can't fix the world by yelling at it. -Wilfred Mott

I wrote this because I like watching Doctor Who and because sometimes the quotes are really funny.

Don't miss out on other great posts from my blog for Doctor Who Week and Sci Fi Month!


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