Summertime Family Fun

I love my sister. We shared a room growing up, and I'm pretty sure both of us wish we'd had more space to ourselves back then. Now? Now I'm positive we'd agree that we wish there were less space between us.

She's done so well for herself, my darling baby sister. She met "the one" for her (that is an amazing story of miraculous meetings all its own) and married into a wonderful family. Her own little family consists of a man I'm proud to call my brother-in-law, a darling little cherub of a toddler, and another wee one on the way.

We only get to see each other a few times a year, and that's one of the reasons I'm so thankful for the extra time summer grants.

This past week we've gotten time to just hang out. Time by the pool, time playing games, and time making and eating delicious food.

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Rediscovering his love for
toddler car sets.

My sons are so sweet with their little cousin, and it's adorable watching them play with toddler toys to keep him entertained.
Cincinnati 8/2013
Book time!

They were good sports during the obligatory "fun family photo" sessions that make tweens roll their eyes repeatedly. (Yes, we did manage to snag the older one in at least one shot with his eyes like that.) They rolled down the hill and jumped like bunnies with their toddler cousin to make sure we got some entertaining shots. Rest assured, we know how much this may have injured your sensitive tweeny dignity and we appreciated every moment.

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Cincinnati 8/2013They did succumb to childish silly after the photos were done, and jumped into the pool in jeans and nice shirts.

UntitledWhile setting up for one of the photos, I snagged a great shot of my lovely sister. It is hard work to grow an entire human being, but she looks amazing while doing it!

Our parents were here for the week, too. I love watching them both with my sons and my nephew. My father is rediscovering his love for guitar, and happily took the time to let my nephew listen and try out the guitar.

Cincinnati 8/2013
Watch out for the next singing sensation!

My sister, her mother-in-law, our mom and I went shopping. I even managed to find some appropriately adorable but not overly "fru-fru" dresses to purchase for my niece - due in late September. Don't worry, the geeky onesies featuring superheroes, Doctor Who, and Star Wars will also make an appearance. 
Cincinnati 8/2013

Cincinnati 8/2013Relaxing by the pool and chilling on the couch are the order of the vacation. We even took some time to watch Doctor Who (she and her husband love it too!). My nephew strolled by the screen and stopped for a few minutes to check out the crazy aliens. Maybe soon he'll be a Whovian, too!

Our mom and dad had to head back home already, but my sister and I still have a few days left together. I'm so thankful for the chance to be with her and let the cousins have some quality fun time.

I'm participating in the Slice of Life Challenge, hosted by the amazing educators at Two Writing Teachers. We write and share on Tuesdays. Stop by to see what others are posting!

Also - if you stop by and comment, and you are also slicing - PLEASE feel free to include your URL in the comments. With over 200 people slicing, it is often hard to go find your specific link on the Two Writing Teachers page, and I'd love to come read YOUR slice too!


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