Chompsticks Mission Complete

I invited you to come along on my silly Chompsticks journey just over a week ago. I went with a "geeky Chompsticks" theme this year. I tried to give each day a different twist, tying in my shirt and book choice.

Early Start - Hogwarts theme to honor Harry Potter's birthday.
My boys had a great time getting into the spirit of this wizarding event.

UntitledThe official start date was a Thursday - so of course we needed to make this one Star Wars themed!

UntitledFriday was dedicated to comics! My shirt is a fun mashup of Firefly and Calvin and Hobbes.

UntitledSaturday younger and I brought out some superhero comics and shirts. Captain Marvel rocks!

Sunday was extra special, since my younger son and I got to learn the identity of the actor who will play the 12th Doctor. We made a day of it (and I'll share more details another day), but we also made sure to wear our Doctor Who shirts and use our blank River Song journal as our book.

Untitled Untitled

Monday got a little crazy, and I barely got a photo in before the end of the day. Still, science fiction and fantasy ruled the roost. I've only read the first story in the Guys Read anthology, but I'm looking forward to the rest of it!

UntitledDon't you just love this shirt? It's been just over a year since the Curiosity Rover landed on Mars, so today was dedicated to human ingenuity. I'm just all worn out from lots of busy activity during the day.

Last but not least - Nerdy Book Clubbers love math too!

I always enjoy coming up with my own quirks for events like this. Great fun! Be sure to join in with your own photos next year!


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