New to Who Part 2
Is there anything more endearing than a new fan? Okay, so maybe it's also a bit annoying. I don't care... I've discovered "My Doctor" and I'm declaring myself a Whovian.
In my desire to have my time with Nine stretch out a bit longer, I stopped after the sixth episode and went back to the beginning of the season. I think if I blog about all the parts I love, then my newbie experience can live on in my mind forever. Yeah, I'm that new fan. Should I mention I also started searching for gifs to use in my posts? Nahhh.... I'll keep that secret because that really makes me sound crazy.
Episode 2 "The End of the World"
This episode proves so many of my points about the power of science fiction. Rose wants to see just how exciting her trips in the TARDIS can be. They decide to head into the future. THAT is the world of the "What If?" for sure. Ten thousand years? Not far enough.... he takes her five BILLION years into the future....
What does he tell her? Humanity is so busy imagining all the horrible ways we could end that we forget to
"Imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive".
It's a trial by fire for Rose, as she gets face to face with aliens of many types and comes to grips with the fact that she is unimaginably far from home.
What can we learn about humanity?
- We all need connections. Rose panics. She is almost unable to breathe. It's too much, too soon... too intense. Yet when Nine gives her a way to maintain her connection with the life she had before, she's suddenly able to manage the change. That lifeline is so important. We need those who help to ground us, even as we fly into the future (figuratively or literally!) We also learn some tidbits about Nine's past in this episode that show us why he needs Rose as much as she needs him.
- Our downfall is our need to feel superior. No, I won't give anything away about the plot here... but rest assured that human kind's desire to lord themselves over others hasn't changed.
- "Everything has its time"... and yet we will always struggle against it.
- Humanity's view of what makes us "human" will need to expand if and when we meet other intelligent life. Will they also have these same drives and desires? How will we find common ground?
In the end, Rose is new. Her mind expanded - her view of the universe changed so drastically that she will never be the same. I think it's this episode that sets the reasons why she will stay with him as the season continues...
Thursdays are my "Fangirl" days. Several years ago I started celebrating Star Wars Thursdays on Facebook - where I post silly things I've found recently. About a year and a half ago my friend who runs The Fandom Post suggested that I write a weekly post for his site... and I haven't missed a week yet. I'll come back and edit this post with the most recent link when it goes live (DONE!). This week I wrote about using Star Wars in the classroom.
I'm writing each day in March as part of the Slice of Life challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Join us today - or as many days as you can!
Also - if you stop by and comment, and you are also slicing - PLEASE feel free to include your URL in the comments. With over 200 people slicing, it is often hard to go find your specific link on the Two Writing Teachers page, and I'd love to come read YOUR slice too!
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