A Family Affair

How do you build a love for reading in the whole family?

Well, you model it - of course. But there's no harm in having a little silly fun along the way. I participate in a few bloggy memes relating to reading. I'd love to get the boys involved in "It's Monday"... but that one requires a bit more work. So when Treat Tuesday came along, I knew this was the perfect one for them.

How does it work? We all select a book we want to showcase, and a treat we'd like to enjoy. One photo later and ... voila! Instant book love. (I have a Treat Tuesday live today as well, if you'd like to see what the boys and I are currently reading).

This was our first Treat Tuesday... they were hooked.

I also (sometimes) do THIRSTday with David Etkin's blog - Eat the Book.

The boys wanted to join this past week, and I forgot to post it. So this photo will go up this Thursday..

A little silly is good for the soul - and the family that giggles together reads together, right?

I'm writing each day in March as part of the Slice of Life challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Join us today - or as many days as you can!


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