My Literacy Year in Review
Last year I chose “One Little Word” to guide me through the year. While I didn’t really come back to it as often as I should have, I think I did fairly well. My word was “Create”. I spent a lot of time creating - though most of it was for this blog! I wrote poems, book reviews, and spread my ideas far and wide. I did some work with Teachers Write, though I slacked off toward the end.
I participated in online chats, Slice of Life challenges, and April poetry month. I wrote for Fandom Post, Nerdy Book Club, The School Library Journal’s Connect the Pop blog, and Teen Library Toolbox (you can check my page above, “other places I write”, to find out more).
I read an awful lot, too. Many of you are my friends on Goodreads (come join me), or have seen my posts about many of the books I’ve read. I blew last year out of the water, though that was partly due to reading a lot more picture books and graphic novels this year.
Number of Books:
Number of Pages
Graphic Novels: 90
Comics: Some of these got counting in the "Graphic Novels" section, and some didn't. I can only count them on Goodreads once a trade has come out (so there is an ISBN number)
Picture Books: 43
I read 57 of the 91 Newbery books (My goal is to finish them in two years, and I also completed my 58th today)
Many, many middle grade and young adult novels.
And, lest you think I was just reading kidlit - I also read about 10 novels targeted to adults.

Where do we go from here?
I'm going to set my Goodreads goal at 300, with the intention of continuing to read graphic novels as they come out AND to read more picture books this year. I'm not bumping it up, because I don't want to feel reluctant to read any long books that catch my eye.
Reading and blogging goals:
Newbery - I will read the rest of the Newbery award books. I'm hopeful that, due to reading so many awesome books that were published in 2012, I may have already read this year's winner.
Book Gap Challenge: As I wrote in an earlier post, I'm going to try to do 2 things to work on my book gap.
1) Sports books. I'm not setting a specific number, but I'm hoping for about one a month. This is to help me have books to recommend to students.
2) Sequels and series. This one is for ME. I tend to read the first book in a series and then move on. I'm looking to maximize the number of things I can recommend, you see, and reading a whole series isn't always the best bang for my buck of time. There are a few series that I want to read because *I* want to read them, though. I'll make that time this year to finish at least a few of them.
Sci Friday - I'm enjoying finding science and science fiction to post about each week. While I don't realistically think I'll be able to do this every week, I do plan to continue this feature.
Batty About Books - Kathy and I have already started to plan our next buddy read. I'm so excited to have this opportunity to explore book chats with her.
Feminist Reads Challenge - Hosted by The Hiding Spot. I'm joining this, because I do it anyway! I'm always on the lookout for strong women in literature. I'll post during the year about the books I read. Let me know if you have any good ideas!
Thanks for coming along with me on my journey!
Number of Pages
Graphic Novels: 90
Comics: Some of these got counting in the "Graphic Novels" section, and some didn't. I can only count them on Goodreads once a trade has come out (so there is an ISBN number)
Picture Books: 43
I read 57 of the 91 Newbery books (My goal is to finish them in two years, and I also completed my 58th today)
Many, many middle grade and young adult novels.
And, lest you think I was just reading kidlit - I also read about 10 novels targeted to adults.

Where do we go from here?
I'm going to set my Goodreads goal at 300, with the intention of continuing to read graphic novels as they come out AND to read more picture books this year. I'm not bumping it up, because I don't want to feel reluctant to read any long books that catch my eye.
Reading and blogging goals:
Newbery - I will read the rest of the Newbery award books. I'm hopeful that, due to reading so many awesome books that were published in 2012, I may have already read this year's winner.
Book Gap Challenge: As I wrote in an earlier post, I'm going to try to do 2 things to work on my book gap.
1) Sports books. I'm not setting a specific number, but I'm hoping for about one a month. This is to help me have books to recommend to students.
2) Sequels and series. This one is for ME. I tend to read the first book in a series and then move on. I'm looking to maximize the number of things I can recommend, you see, and reading a whole series isn't always the best bang for my buck of time. There are a few series that I want to read because *I* want to read them, though. I'll make that time this year to finish at least a few of them.
Sci Friday - I'm enjoying finding science and science fiction to post about each week. While I don't realistically think I'll be able to do this every week, I do plan to continue this feature.
Batty About Books - Kathy and I have already started to plan our next buddy read. I'm so excited to have this opportunity to explore book chats with her.

Thanks for coming along with me on my journey!
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