It's Monday - December 10th What are you reading?

Wow - has another week flown by already? It's been crazy.... or is that just my normal life now?

I wasn't going to try to cram in as many Nerdy Short List books as I could, but then my school librarian had a stack sitting on her desk. In a moment of weakness, I grabbed a pile off the picture books. Yet I also spent a good chunk of this week finishing up a second guest post for School Library Journal's Connect the Pop blog. (One goes live today at 10 AM, one tomorrow. Please read them!)

Thanks again to Teach Mentor Texts - Jen and Kellee - for graciously hosting this meme each week.

Graphic Novels:

Yay for Belly Flop! This one is just as wonderful as the first two. I loved the imagination, and the message about being yourself. My sons both devoured it (multiple times) and declared it "awesome".

Lio is a strange one, but I definitely liked it. Each page has a separate story (like comics in the newspaper), and there are a ton of literary allusions. A bit on the dark side, but I think upper elementary kids would both get it and like it. Middle school, too!

Nerdy Short List:

Wow, voting will be hard in the picture book category! 
Chopsticks was adorable. Cute, funny, and a great message about friendship.
This is Not My Hat - yes, I am just NOW reading it. I did it as a read-aloud to my second grade and they HOWLED in laughter. 
Extra Yard - I adored this one. Beautiful message about creativity. 

Poetry - 
I'd already read Forgive Me, but I needed to reread it to count it for my classroom 40 book challenge. So much fun! 

Science Fiction (Nerdy Short List for MG fiction)

I definitely loved this one - and my son did too. (5th grader). Cloak Society was my pick for this week's Sci Friday post! 

This isn't on the short list, but (in case you were under a rock) - THE HOBBIT comes out THIS WEEK! Oh, did I shout that? Sorry!

Again, I needed a biography for my 40 book challenge. As an added bonus THE HOBBIT comes out THIS WEEK! Biography isn't my favorite genre, but I enjoyed this one. I had no idea what a challenging life Tolkien had. 

What books do you still NEED to read this year?


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