Perfect Parenting Moments

sols_5-years_w1Welcome to my mostly weekly peek into my life - the Slice of Life. Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for hosting this each week, and helping me to pay more attention to the world around me.

Into each parenting life come a few perfect moments.

The moment when you wake from a deep sleep, with the morning sun streaming into your bedroom, to realize that your infant slept through the night without you having a panic attack and rushing in to be sure they were still breathing.

The moment when your eyes fill with tears as that same child dons their first tiny backpack and waves jauntily to you as they board the bus for kindergarten.

The moment when that thing you've been so excited to share with the younglings turns out to make them shriek with glee. Okay, that last one may be just slightly exaggerated. But only slightly.

You see, The Hobbit movie is coming out in December. Maybe some of you recall the incredibly campy 70s animated adaptation? Yes, that one is a lot of fun, and my husband and I frequently burst into songs that come from that version. Yet New Line Cinema has me wiggling around in my seat with excitement - just from the trailer. I handed my fifth grade son the book about a week ago, and told him that he had to read it before we see the movie. Three days later and he was excitedly chattering about Bilbo and the gang.

Friday the 21st marked the 75th anniversary of the publishing of The Hobbit, and the 22nd is the official date of Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. To celebrate, we watched the Fellowship of the Ring on Sunday. Here's where it became parenting gold. When we first see Bilbo busily preparing for his party in his little Hobbit hole, my son's eyes lit up. "They did a great job showing how much Bilbo loves maps!" he exclaimed.

Yes, my darling boy. Yes, they did.

"Mom, we're going to see The Hobbit when it comes out, right?"

Yes, yes we are. I'm so excited that he'll share this joy with me, the same way we shared our Potter love as we saw Deathy Hallows in the theater together.

Live is good.


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