It's Monday - August 13

Once, again - 'tis time for the weekly cavalcade of reading! Thanks, as always, to Jen and Kellee for hosting this at Teach Mentor Texts. If you enjoy finding a great book, head over to their site to read more posts about amazing books.

I was on vacation last week, which gave me some quiet time to read. I swear, I did also socialize with my family!

Dystopian / Post Apocalyptic:
I re-read Enclave and Outpost. I did just read them, but they are truly amazing. I was also rereading to prepare for a Q&A right HERE on my blog! Yes, I did get confirmation that I will be hosting part of Ann Aguirre's blog tour to celebrate the release of Outpost. My post will be September 10th. Whoo hoo! And.... panic! I haven't done anything like this before, so I made sure to check out any information I could that she already has out there. I'd hate to ask her anything dumb, right? PLEASE be sure visit that day (It's a Monday.... so I'll be sure to shout it out again). I'll have a GIVEAWAY of the first and second book!

As a bit of an FYI- Enclave is currently priced at 2.99 for the ebook. That includes a 73 page story called Endurance, which I also read this week. It tells the story about what happens to Stone and Thimble. REALLY worth it! I'd have spent that money for just that story alone!

Keeper of the Lost Cities
Big thanks to my ARC friend for letting me read this one before it releases. I'll absolutely be getting this for my students - it's a wonderful MG fantasy. At first, because there were comments on how it was like Harry Potter, I was distracted making comparisons. It really does have its own wonderful life, though, and I adored how it spotlighted a female main character. Hermione rocks, but I love having a book where a lady takes center stage.

I got two read over break - Rabbit Hill and Strawberry Girl. Rabbit Hill was cute, and I could see some kid appeal there. Strawberry Girl was odd. I'm not sure many kids today would enjoy it.

I decided to focus on some slightly darker comics this week. I reread Villains United (by the ever talented Gail Simone) and then jumped into two arcs of Secret Six (Six Degrees of Devastation and Unhinged). These books tell the tale of a group of anti-heroes as they take on a larger league of evil doers. Bane shows up for the second arc, which was fun since I had just seen Dark Knight Rises.

Summer is winding down, but I do still have some more solid reading time ahead of me. Fortune Wookiee showed up in the mail while I was away. Yay! (Oh, and as a bit of a Star Wars stickler, please remember there are TWO "E"s at the end of Wookiee!)

Have a wonderful reading week!


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