Summer Readin’ and SciFi Summer

“Summer reading, having a blast….
Summer reading, happens so fast.. “

Summer time, and the readin’ is easy…

Whichever tune you choose, it’s just about time for summer reading! I have two more weeks of end of year insanity, and then it's book time! 

What does that mean? It’s time to sit down and figure out at least some of my plans for my summer reading fiesta. Based on the recommendations of fellow Nerdy Book Clubbers, I bought a huge bookstack a few months ago that is still calling my name.

My reward #bookstack Another TBR #bookstack

I’m also declaring it “The Summer of Sci Fi”, and invite you to join in the fun. I have always been an avid reader of science fiction, but my repertoire tends toward the older classics. A few weeks ago, a friend on Twitter pinged me to see if I could recommend any recent science fiction (but not dystopian or post-apocalyptic) books for Young Adult or Middle Grades. I was ashamed to admit that I couldn’t! So I’m declaring it part of my mission to scour the shelves for hard core science fiction this summer, and post about as many as I can. If you’d like to join me, ping me on Twitter or leave me a message here to let me know you’d like to participate. I have a Google doc started, and I’d be happy to send you the link.

If you are on Twitter, play along with Nerdy Book Club and use the hashtags #nerdybookclub and #bookaday to share your reading adventures. If you want to join me, use the hashtag #SciFiSummer

What are your plans for summer reading? 


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