Birthday Note to my Oldest

Today's Slice is a second birthday note. My boys have birthdays only 10 days apart. This one is to my older son, who will be 10 on Friday. Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for hosting the weekly Slice of Life!
Dear Connor,
Wow, I can’t begin to believe that you are now ten. Where on
earth did an entire decade go? I tried to hold onto every moment, every tiny
instant as you grew, but somehow you are almost as tall as me already. I love
you, with all my heart. I’ve loved you since the first moment I knew you were
growing inside of me.
You are a sensitive soul, and I love that about you. Yes, I
know it can be frustrating at times. Trust me, I know it well. Sometimes I
apologize to you for that, because you got it from me. It can be hard to have
your feelings so close to the surface. Things that other people barely notice
can seem so intense. I swear; it does get easier to manage as you get older.
That sensitivity can also be a blessing. You’ll feel a burst of joy at a
sunrise or a thrill of excitement as you notice the glistening dew on a spider’s
web. Even the times of sadness can inspire you to reach beyond yourself and
create something of beauty – or maybe touch someone else’s life in a way that
changes them forever.
I love how much you love to read – and how often you hand me
a book and declare, “You have GOT to read this one!” Your love of reading will
see you through your whole life. There’s
no day in your life that can’t become a little bit better with a good book in
your hand.
I know you expect a lot from yourself, and it can be hard
when you don’t feel like you hit the mark. Believe me, though, I am always
proud of you. The way you buckled down and got your science fair project done,
even though your allergies had you feeling crummy made me so proud. I hope you can feel that same pride in
yourself as you share what you learned with your classmates and the parents and
students who come to your stand. The passion you’ve brought to becoming a
wonderful violin player this year is another feather in your cap. Watching you
participate in honors orchestra, perform a solo at the book store, and joyfully
celebrate having new songs to learn fill me with a mother’s pride.
Remember to always be the best Connor you can be. Don’t look
around you at what others are doing. Compare yourself to where you were a year
ago, or even yesterday. Continue to be kind to those around you, no matter how
they behave. When you feel sad, or overwhelmed with emotions, remember that
your sensitivity is a gift to be treasured. Use it to be a gift to those around
I love you, always and forever. May the future decades of
your life be as wonderful as this first one has been.
Love always,
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