Star Gazers - Poem 6

Another poem inspired by the visual prompts at Bud the Teacher's blog in honor of Poetry Month. Today's prompt was an image of Kepler 20e, Venus, Earth, and Kepler 20f.

Star Gazers

A little girl stares up into the sky

Gleaming orb of the moon
                Shimmering twinkle of stars
                                And unblinking planets stare down.

Humming softly to herself she wonders
                Who is up there?
                                What do they look like?

Days spent doodling spindly arms and bulbous heads
                Dreaming of first contact
                                Who will meet them?

Years pass - her gaze drops to the clouds
                Then down to the horizon
                                Further down to the little ones on her lap

Two little boys and a young woman stare into the sky.

Gleaming orb of the moon
                Shimmering twinkle of stars
                                And unblinking planets stare down.

Who will reach them?


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