Rainbow Chasers - Poem 10

(Well, you can't win 'em all. This isn't my favorite poem of the month so far, but maybe if I sit on it a few more days I can tweak it into something I like. Today is my 10th day of writing poems for Poetry Month using the visual prompts from Bud the Teacher's Blog. Today's image was a small cottage with a flurry of flowers out front. Check them out!) 

Rainbow Chasers

Wasted time - chasing rainbows.
Waiting for that
precise moment
when the rain ceases,
and sunlight gleams through.

Wasted time - chasing rainbows.
Take those moments and look
instead of up.

Cluster of bright umbrellas
Parking lot of punch buggies
A sea of flowers blooming
Outside a quiet cottage

Rainbows abound
for those who look
instead of up.


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