It's Monday, What are you reading? March 12

Be sure to check out the other posts in this meme at Teach Mentor Texts. Of course, that might lead to an out of control wish list… but worse things have happened.

Yes, once again my reading looks rather sparse. That crazy Slice of Life challenge is doing me in!

Graphic Novels and Comics:
Athena: Grey Eyed Goddess - by George O’Connor  - I loved it. Athena is my favorite Greek deity (is it totally geeky to have a favorite?). This was a fun way to tell many of her tales. The Fates spin the tales for us.

Bone Vol 3 :“Eyes of the Storm” by Jeff Smith. The Bone series is amazing. I continue to love the blend of spooky and humor. The plot is moving along at just the right rate, and I’m hooked by the characters. I highly recommend this series.

Amulet 4: by Kazu Kibuishi. Another wonderful series. The Amulet series has an appealing art style and wonderful characters. The main character, Emily, is a perfect example of how to write a wonderful female lead. She’s powerful yet caring. She’s flawed, yet growing up into her powers. This series works for boys and girls.

Newbery Challenge:
Hitty: Her First Hundred Years – by Rachel Field. (1930)
Hitty is a sweet tale of the journeys of a doll. We learn about her adventures; from her humble beginnings as a piece of Mountain Ash to her adventures being shipwrecked and honored as an idol by island natives, to her treks through Philadelphia, New Orleans and back home to Maine.
I'll admit that I was skeptical at first. Her first few adventures were a bit crazy. Yet seeing the history of the US through her eyes was interesting... if not completely compelling. I wasn't nearly as fascinated with the changing fashions as Hitty seemed to be; but as an early Newbery book it wasn't bad.
I can actually see children reading and enjoying this tale. That's a plus!

Slice of Life:
Yes, I’ve been writing all this month – but part of the challenge involves reading as many other slicers as possible and giving comments. That has been amazingly fun, but also sucks up a lot of my reading time!

Currently Reading:
A Princess of Mars – by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Sometimes it sounds like dear old Edgar swallowed a thesaurus, but it’s entertaining. Very old fashioned text, but full of adventure.
Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card. Yes, I’m still reading it. It’s my “fun read”, so it ends up being relegated to the bottom of the pile. My goal is to have it done by next week. 


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