It's Monday, What are you reading? March 5

Be sure to check out the other posts in this meme at Teach Mentor Texts. Of course, that might lead to an out of control wish list… but worse things have happened.

This week I really ran low on reading time. I think it was entirely due to the writing I’m doing! I joined the March Slice of Life Challenge (Go read my posts for that challenge!) and I wrote a post to be part of the Share a Story Blog Tour. Whew, I don’t think I’ve written that much in years! Umm… and I still have 26 days to go on the Slice challenge.
Anyway, I know you’re more interested in my reading for the week – so here goes!

Realistic Fiction:
No More Dead Dogs by Gordon Korman. – I think kids will like this one, but it wasn’t my favorite. A boy gets in trouble for writing a negative (and poorly written) review of a book called Old Shep, about a dog that dies. The book just happens to be his teacher’s favorite, and he refuses to lie about it. (Did I mention that he absolutely won’t tell a lie, because his deadbeat dad was a total liar?) Anyway, he gets pulled into the theater group (run by that teacher) and completely alters the course of the script, which is based on the Old Shep book. Something about the book just didn’t hit the spot for me, especially the boy crazy girls. Ah well.
The Pull of Gravity by Gae Polisner – Any book that can blend Steinbeck and Star Wars – complete with a wide range of Yoda quotes – has my vote. I’ll even forgive her for the fact that all the quotes came from the prequel trilogy. *chuckles* A solid YA read with interesting characters and a sweet young romance.

Graphic Novels:
Anya’s Ghost Finished from last week. I enjoyed it, but it was completely YA.

Bone – The Great Cow Race – The second volume in the series. I HIGHLY recommend it. Well written and beautifully illustrated, with humor and creepiness in perfect proportion. There’s even a mysterious back story being doled in at just the right pace.

Newbery Challenge (a.k.a. “Nerdbery”)
Hitty – The First Hundred Years –(1930) Wow, this is the first week I haven’t finished at least ONE Newbery book. I blame my writing! I’m about halfway through. It’s readable, with some adorable parts. I can see a lot of flaws, though most are probably due to the time period of the author. It’s certainly far from the worst Newbery I’ve read for the challenge! 


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