It's the Little Things

I’m attempting to write every day in March as part of the Slice of Life challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Come on by!

Yes, some days are a bit frustrating. There are days it feels like every single kid is talking over me. Days when I’ve given them the same instructions ninety seven times, and yet three students still stalk me around the classroom and declare, “I don’t know what to do!” Days when meetings drive me crazy and paperwork threatens to bleed the life out of me, one paper cut at a time.

And yet… there are other days…

Days like last week, when a darling young lady makes a special trip to my classroom to ask for my help selecting books that she’s sure to love. Bless her heart; she went home with Scumble, Origami Yoda, and the directive to snatch Mighty Miss Malone from her older brother as soon as he finishes it.

Days like yesterday, when a student requested I read over her journal entry to “give her suggestions” before she turns in her final copy. Yes, she’s starting to blossom. She’s including more detail than she ever has before, and I feel a glow of pride. I nudge her just a bit farther in the right direction, while congratulating her on her accomplishments.

Darth PaperDays like today, when my sons and I proudly donned our Darth Paper Strikes Back tattoos. Yes, I did get a few sideways glances. Mostly, though, my coworkers and students just grinned and giggled. Have I mentioned lately that I’m given the latitude to be strange? Try it sometime, it’s awesome.

Moments like my young son’s request that I find him a copy of Many Waters. We read Wrinkle together, and then he reread it alone. He’s intrigued by Sandy and Dennys, and feels ready to navigate those waters on his own now. Moments like my older son’s quiet pride that he finally took the time to work carefully on his math assessment, and he reaped the rewards of his attentiveness.

Now, if I someone can promise to remind me to reflect on these moments the next time my stapler jams or I grit my teeth in frustration at the state testing that interrupts my instructional time…


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