Free Reading

I’m using my Tumblr again for my March Slice of Life Challenge because my other blog again appears to be on the fritz. *sighs*   (moved it here to my Blogger so everything is together - 3/28)
(Not much “craft” to today’s post…. But lots of great reading ideas)
As my students finish up during state testing, they pull out a book to read. State testing time is one of those wonderful times when they are free to read anything they want. There are no assigned novels, and no real homework. My darlings are in fifth grade, and all are very strong readers.
On Wednesday I decided to take a glimpse around the room to see what they would be reading purely for pleasure.
Out of twenty students:
Four were reading Harry Potter. Several were reading the series for a second or third time. Books one, three, four, and six were represented.
Four were reading graphic novels. One was reading one of my Bone volumes, two were reading George O’Connor’s Athena, and one was reading his Zeus. All of those are new additions to my classroom library, and they are rarely on the shelf.
Three were in the midst of the Hunger Games series. One was reading Hunger Games, one Mocking Jay, and one Catching Fire.
Two were reading Rick Riordan. One is working on the Red Pyramid, and one is on Sea of Monsters. I can thank Mr. Riordan for my classroom’s current obsession with all things mythological. Sweet.
One was reading the Memoirs of a Muppets Writer. Big thanks go out to Kevin (@dogtrax) for posting a review of this book on his blog. This young lady is researching the Muppets as part of her fifth grade project, and I was able to jump in and suggest she grab a copy of this book.
One was reading Wonder. I have a classroom copy floating out there, but this copy was one his mother purchased for him after I recommended it to the group. Thanks again go out to my #nerdybookclub friends for all the buzz on this one.
One was reading Sabotaged (by Haddix). I resisted the urge to ask him to borrow it next, since my bookstack is already full. I adored the first two books in that series.
One was reading Horus and Wrinkles. This is a book that was donated to me by a previous student. I love the fact that students move into middle school and they (and their parents) will frequently donate gently used books to my room. This one looks intriguing, though I haven’t yet read it.
One was reading Kingdom Keepers. I’m not sure which one. I’ve heard great things about this series from my students, but haven’t read it yet myself.
The final student was reading a teen magazine. I cringed inwardly, but didn’t judge. Everything counts as reading, even if I wouldn’t read it myself!
The best part of this activity was seeing the students who had taken my recommendations to heart. The other best part was seeing some new books I’d like to try myself. One student had a graphic novel version of the Odyssey in his stack, and gladly volunteered to give it to me to read once he was done. I love my students! 


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